Friday, December 9, 2011

The United States Constitution Is Written In Stone!

The United States Constitution Is Written In Stone!

Today, at the beginning of the 21st Century, it would be great to have complete faith and trust in the 'toilet paper money' we call 'the greenback'. Every American has become accustomed to the pictures of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Jackson, Franklin and others. I never met any of them, because they lived before my birth. I know that Washington, Jefferson and Franklin would not approve of our 'toilet paper money, especially Ben Franklin who sign the United States Constitution.

In case you haven't read this document, which is the only document that manages this country of ours, it is written,


... To coin Money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current Coin of the United States.

Now some semi intellectual will contend that the word securities means paper money? One needs to study our history first. Shortly after the colonies united, they tried to print paper money(backed by Gold, grain and animals). It was called 'colonial'. This then led to the printing of the 'Continental' to pay for the Revolutionary War. Both attempts were failures and Gold remained the only legal tender. I am sorry, but I don't see any reference to paper money or paper certificates.


No state...; coin Money; emit bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin as Tender in Payment of Debts;...

Do I need to really write anymore. If the Holy Bible is to be believed in as the true word of God, then we must accept The Constitution of the Untied States as the 'Law of the Land'. Our Constitution is our Constitution (Webster - the way in which a government, state, society, etc. is organized...). The Constitution has been the supreme document that governs us since its adoption in 1789.

If we can't abide by what is written in the Constitution, then what? Our 'toilet paper money' is really an empty promise, nothing more!

Before it happens, we should consider Gold again as the only currency of our country.

american toilet

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