Thursday, March 29, 2012

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

Imagine taking the entire population of Florida and combining it with the entire population of California. That is quite a lot of people. In fact, it is over 54 million people and 19 percent of the United States population, or in other words, one out of every five Americans. According to the United States Census Bureau, it is the same amount of people who reported at least some level of disability in the year 2005. The numbers from the census were definitely up from the last census taken in 2002.

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

While not all people reporting disabilities were found to be severely disabled, nearly 35 million were indeed classified as severely disabled. In addition, nearly 11 million of those with disabilities that were age 6 years and older needed help with everyday activities, such as taking a shower or bath and getting around inside the home.

The census also found that many disabled people are still holding jobs. In the age group of people 21 to 64, nearly 46 percent were still employed. Thirty-one percent of people with severe disabilities were employed, and 75 percent of those with disabilities labeled as non-severe were employed.

While many people automatically think of physical limitations such as being in a wheelchair when they think of disabilities, more than 16 million of those with disabilities were classified as having difficulty with mental functioning, emotional functioning and cognitive functioning. This group of disabled people included those who are severely anxious or depressed, and those who have issues concentrating, dealing with stress, and functioning in social situations.

The census found that the likelihood of having a disability increased with age. Over 18 million adults over the age of 64 were disabled in 2005. Out of that 18 million, almost 13 million were labeled as having a severe disability. For those 80 years old and older the likelihood increased; Seventy-one percent of people over 80 were disabled, and 56 percent of those were severely disabled.

Although it is more likely that older Americans will be disabled, there were still many children with disabilities involved in the census. Parents reported a whopping 475,000 children with disabilities from age 3 to 5 years old, and 228,000 children age 3 or under were reported as having a disability.

How Many Disabled Americans Are There?

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

I have delivered food to grieving families and you probably have, too. Once I delivered a large casserole of beef stew with burgundy, something I would not do now. For after having two family members die on the same weekend I have a different slant on food deliveries. Food is appreciated, but I think we need to update the custom, and here are my suggestions.

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

1. CALL FIRST. You don't know how much food has already been delivered. The refrigerator and freezer may be full and additional food will cause problems. Before you make anything call and see if the family needs food. When a church friend called I turned down her offer of food. "It's all we can do to eat a scrambled egg," I explained.

2. FIX FAMILIAR FOODS. My husband and I were so overcome with grief that we had upset stomachs. We hardly ate anything and when we did it was simple stuff like tomato soup. Spicy food may not be the best choice at this time. Rather, deliver familiar foods -- clear soups, custard, fresh fruit -- things that go down easily.

3. CONSIDER PORTION SIZES. Some family members appreciated food deliveries, but others were overwhelmed by the portion sizes . Dividing food into small portions encourages family members to eat. Packaging food in small freezer containers is also helpful.

4. OFFER TO SHOP. Going to the grocery store after my daughter was killed in a car crash took all the courage I had. I would meet friends at the store and burst into tears when they expressed sympathy. Offer to pick up some groceries for the family the next time you shop. Tell them when you will deliver the groceries.

5. CHECK BACK LATER. After the death of a loved one family members are overwhelmed with legal and financial tasks. They may run out of milk or find they are short of basic supplies like toilet paper. Contact the family again and see if they need anything.

6. NO THANKS NECESSARY. Years ago, when our family was in crisis, a church friend gave us some soup. A note was taped to the top of the bowl and it said, "No thanks are necessary. I wanted to do this for you." This is a stressful time for all family members. Telling them that no thanks are necessary helps to relieve their stress.

Delivering food is a time-honored custom and one worthy of continuing. The best food you can provide is food for the soul and the words, "I'm so sorry."

Copyright 2007 by Harriet Hodgson

Delivering Food to a Family after the Death of a Loved One

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

Vastu Tips for Finance

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

When your financial Movement is slow or stagnant, keep at least one Light on throughout the night. Things will certainly brighten up. Light is yang energy, which speeds up things.

According to Vastu

Fish aquariums are wonderful for wealth. Choose the active, lively and healthy fishes and make sure that they are strong swimmers. Keep the water clean and aerated. Their constant Movement keeps the energy of wealth also on the Move.

Vastu Shastra says if the entrance to your apartment lies at the end of a long corridor, then the energy flowing of a long corridor, then the energy flowing towards it will be too fierce. Adding too much risk to your financial investments. Its effect can be softened with a plant placed halfway down the corridor.

Make your front door distinctive to attract wealth within. Paint it a colour that shows it is different from the neighbouring walls.

Vastu Tips for business

If business is bad, place decorative boulders or curved pathways or pebbles around the structure. This will increase the Movement of financial energy.

Are you looking for more clarity in your financial life? Take a look at your windows, mirrors and your glass and crystal items. It's amazing what clean windows can do for the balance sheet. Dirty glass restricts money flow.

Hanging crystals in your window activates energy. When the sunLight hits them, they produce the most amazing rainbows. Choose a window the gets direct sunLight. This will throw up a multitude of openings for your career growth.

Vastu Tips for money matters

If you find your expenses beyond control, place live plants or grains in the toilets, these keep the money from going down the toilet, because symbolically growing things reabsorb water energy and keep it recycling.

Hang a mirror to reflect your cash box or locker. It symbolically doubles your wealth and opportunities.

Vastu Shastra suggests that place a birdbath or feeder in the yard to attract wild life, which will increase the amount of energy around your home. Birdbaths and bird feeders are wonderful acts of cleaning up your finances and attracting prosperity from all directions.

Vastu Tips for prosperity

If money seems to disappear from your life, put some weighty or solid objects in the far-left corner of the room or house, plus extra light.

Need Increased prosperity? An energy boost? A fountain with the soothing sound of moving water is just the thing for you. Whether on a desk or in an important room, nothing attracts money and reliable luck like a water fountain, running water helps move positive energy through the space. However take care not to direct the water flow towards the exit.

Vastu Tips for Money Matters

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