Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

What Causes Obesity And Other Forms Of Chronic Disease?

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

Did you know that prolonged internal inflammation is the driving force behind obesity as well as most age-related diseases? You can't always see it because it exists at a molecular level. Doctors usually use laboratory tests to confirm it and then assign a name to the condition based on the results. The number of disease names related to inflammation is horrifying: allergies, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome and Chrohn's, to name a few.

What Does Chronic Inflammation Feel Like?

Over 75% of Americans suffer from persistent internal inflammation, Common symptoms include:

• lethargy

• inability to focus

• sluggishness

• chronic pain and stiffness

• loss of organ function

• accumulated fat around the waist

• dry, irritated skin

• acne

• an inability to lose excess weight

• an out-of-control hunger for junk food

How Do Body Cells Become Inflamed?

Chemicals and toxins are the primary cause of cellular inflammation, weight gain, and disease. Every day, our bodies absorb thousands of toxins from the air we breathe, the water we drink, genetically modified foods, pesticides, grain fed meat and dairy, preserved flour products, MSG (monosodium glutamate), micro-waved foods, refined sugar, saturated fats, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol, electromagnetic radiation, heavy metals, industrial chemicals, prescription drugs, stress, and more! These toxins accumulate over time inside our bodies, causing the liver and kidneys to overwork, kind of like an engine burning polluted fuel. Our bodies struggle to perform under these stressors and overheat in the process. In order to avoid "engine failure", immune cells in the digestive tract signal the production of inflammatory chemicals and fat cells to isolate and sequester the toxins so they can't do any more damage to the engine. How many fat cells our bodies manufacture is a direct result of how many chemicals and toxins have accumulated inside us. The most visible result of toxic overload is uncontrolled weight gain. Microscopically, however, the situation is far worse. The receptor sites that control the opening and closing of cell pores (like doors into our houses) begin to rust shut (oxidation). Even if we switch to eating a healthy diet, the nutrients we consume can't get into the inflamed fat cells. Nor can the toxins get out. The result is an overweight body that doesn't feel good at all.

Regular Internal "House Cleaning" Disperses Inflammation And Evacuates Toxins

To reduce cellular inflammation, we need to clean the outside as well as the inside of all the inflamed cells in our bodies. What if we looked at this assignment as if we were "spring cleaning our homes"? I like to think of my body as my "house". Each cell is a "mini house" that has to be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis in order to avoid the destruction produced by accumulating dirt, grime, rust and rot. Imagine what would happen if I never dusted or vacuumed my house, never cleaned the stove or refrigerator; never scrubbed the toilets, shower or sinks; never replaced the filters for the A/C or Heating systems. My house would fall apart! Likely, yours would too.

"Nutritional Cleansing" Is An Effective Safe Method To ReMove Inflammation And Toxicity

Cleansing the body's insides by "fasting" has been practiced by most cultures since time began. But previous societies didn't face the degree of toxicity in their food and environment that we face today. Starving the body is not the answer. Nutritional Cleansing is a more recent concept. It encourages a faithful regime of healthy food choices alternating with weekly or monthly 24-hour juice fasts. For one day a week (at least in the beginning) we give our bodies a liquid "spring cleaning".

My Personal Experience With Isagenix

After searching for answers to my own weight and inflammatory issues, I found that a juice designed by John Anderson, the nutritional formulator at Isagenix works incredibly well. He incorporates ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese herbs into what he describes as a "super juice". It appears that the systemic enzymatic actions in the herbs dissolve the 'rusty hinges' of cellular oxidation, reduce inflammation at the receptor sites, and thereby permit cell pores to open and receive nutrients. Some herbs clean out the accumulated toxins from inside the cells. Other herbs gently transport debris out of the body via the bowels and urination. John's juice formula - "Cleanse For Life" - incorporates a carefully chosen group of natural botanicals and trace minerals into a foundation of ionic aloe vera and alfalfa juice. These nutrients restore the structural integrity of the cells and promote normal activity.

The Benefits I Experienced From Participating In A 30-day Nutritional Cleansing Program

The Isagenix program John designed is easy to follow. For six days, two of my daily meals consisted of delicious whey protein shakes. The third meal was up to me to devise from low-calorie fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, and small portions of meat or fish. Day seven was my "cleanse day", a chance for my body to unload and evacuate toxins and revitalize normal cellular function. It consisted of four servings of "Cleanse for Life" juice spaced throughout the day. Balanced healthy snacks were provided and carefully timed in between juice servings so that I never experienced hunger or fatigue. In the following three weeks, this cycle was repeated, 6 days of shakes followed by one day of cleansing, etc. The effects I noticed (and I would say that my results are typical) were reduced cravings for sugar and junk food, better focus and concentration, much better energy and stamina, improved sleep patterns, softer skin and a healthier immune system. Best of all, my chronic arthritic pain subsided by 50%. Consequently, I decided to continue to cleanse for 90 more days, (repeating the Isagenix 30-day program 3 more times). During that time, I lost an average of 2 lbs a week and have kept it off for three years now. Garden-fresh foods and a sensible exercise program have contributed to maintaining this success, but I believe the nutritional cleansing eradicated the inflammatory cause for most of my health issues. Many of my patients who have also tried the program would happily agree.

Nutritional Cleansing Removes the Underlying Cause For Obesity and Chronic Disease

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Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

Having your cat urinating all over your home can be extremely troublesome. Especially when it happens after you thought you had successfully litter trained your cat. Rather than getting angry, it may be more appropriate for you to be worried. You should strongly consider taking kitty for a check-up at the vet. There are a number of diseases which can cause your cat to suddenly start urinating uncontrollably. One of these diseases is a urinary tract infection which could be potentially fatal if left untreated. As a matter of fact, any sudden change in kitty's behavior merits a visit to the vet, just in case.

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

While kitty peeing outside the litter box is an obvious clue, you should also be on alert about your cat's urination habits. If you notice kitty making more trips to the litter box than normal, or releasing a greater than usual volume of urine, or its urine having a different smell, etc, all these are warning signs of illness. If you truly love your cat, then you need to be vigilant about its health.

Once ill health has been ruled out, you need to look into environmental factors. The most obvious one is moving house. There are one or two cat owners who somehow failed to realize that their cats became confused and could not find the litter box in their new homes. Or simply did not like the new location of the litter box. In any case, if you Move house, be prepared to litter train your cat all over again.

Any number of factors could cause stress to your cat and cause it to urinate away from its litter box, even something as subtle as a change in your working schedule. On the one hand, this is rather inconvenient to you. On the other hand, a part of me would be happy, because this shows that kitty misses me and cares about me. It's nice to know that you are more than just the person who fills kitty's food dish, isn't it? Anyway, if you cannot reMove the cause of kitty's stress, you will just have to toilet train your cat again. Besides this, you may want to learn cat massage. Just like for humans, massage can soothe away some of your cat's stress. If all else fails, you may need to get a something from your vet to help soothe kitty. However, I strongly advise against aromatherapy or the use of massage oils unless your vet can recommend a safe brand. Cats are often sensitive to such oils and scents. There have been cases of poisoning reported.

Something that few people think about is the litter. Just because you still buy the same brand does not mean the manufacturer is still making the litter exactly the same. There could be major or even just minor changes to the final end product, and it could be noticeable to your cat. Remember that its sense of touch and smell is much better than yours.

The problem could even be the litter box. Are your cat still using the same litter box as when it was a kitten? Or has your cat grown old... You may need to try a different-sized litter box.

Did I mention that smell is important? Did you change the cleaner you used to wash the litter box? Are you cleaning the area around the litter box with a different cleaner? Perhaps kitty hates the smell of the new cleaning product and that is why it is urinating elsewhere. Or did you use a different cleaning product for your house. The new cleaner could be confusing kitty.

Your cat is a sensitive creature of habit. First, you need to eliminate health problems as the cause of your cat's urination problem. After that, it takes time and patience and loving care to investigate the cause of the problem. A case study published by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (JAVMA, Vol 224, No. 10, May 15, 2004) reported that they took several years to resolve the problem. Partly it was because the cat in question had health problems. The vet needed to try different medications which would both clear up the medical conditions as well as not cause the cat to urinate uncontrollably. At the same time, there was no stability in the home environment. The owner got a divorce, and found a new boyfriend. And apparently some stray cats Moved into the neighborhood.

How to Stop Your Cat's Urination Problems

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