Monday, September 26, 2011

Commercial Toilets - What You Need to Know Now

If you think that adding a commercial toilet to your business is not a big deal, think again. Just putting in a toilet and a sink won't pass the inspection done by the health inspector. There are a number of things you need to know about adding a commercial bathroom stall.

ADA Compliance:New construction by law must follow the guidelines set forth by the American Disabilities Association. That means there needs to be certain size of entrance door and the needs to railings installed.

American Toilet

Luxuries versus Necessities: Commercial paper towel dispensers and baby changing stations have their advantages and that has to do with the bottom line. Vertical paper towel dispensers save your employees-or you- time because the control the amount of towels dispensed which means less waste. Changing stations are a must in both men's and women's restrooms and people with Kids have a great chance of buying items in your store if you make the restrooms convenient and clean.

Commercial Toilets - What You Need to Know Now

Automation- auto flush urinals or luxury portable toilets-depending upon your type of business make a difference in profit or loss. Upscale portable toilets can be automated and therefore kept clean and free from bacteria. Urinal flush valves can be activated by a motion sensor that can be easily installed with a Battery that lasts for years. Automatic features means less cleaning of overflows.

Commercial bathroom stalls don't have to turn into a major production if you don't let it. Put in what is standard and will keep your employees serving customers instead of cleaning toilets all the time.

Commercial Toilets - What You Need to Know Now

Fay Salmons writes about commercial toilets at

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

House Plans in 3D - The Easy Way to Choose

In your search for house plans for your future home, perhaps you've spend many hours over long periods of time staring at countless squiggly lines, back and forth, back and forth, from one plan to another. And after all is said and done, and you think you've found the ideal floor plan, do you really know what it's going to look like when it's finally built? Can you make the transition from the printed floor plan to a picture in your mind of the shapes and forms? Are you able to see the 2-dimensional floor plan in 3D?

Not being able to properly visualize a construction floor plan is a problem many future homeowners experience. They can't visualize the final product and the outcome can range from total disappointment in their new home to costly construction changes during the building phase.

American Toilet

The majority of clients with whom we worked in the past found the most difficult part of building a new home to be the visualization process. They knew what they liked but couldn't make the connection with a 2-dimensional drawing. This is where 3-dimensional interior views of the proposed floor plan can be extremely valuable.

House Plans in 3D - The Easy Way to Choose

3D views help to visualize the floor plan, to understand what the space will feel like. They can give you a sense of the proportion and relationships in the depth. 3 dimensional views have the added benefit of communicating to you what it would be like to be in that space. You get to try it on for size, look and feel.

3D perspective images can give a better indication for the ceiling heights and volume of space; giving a good idea of what the rooms will be like once the house is built. It is a good idea to try to search for house plans that include 3d perspective views not only of the exterior but for each important interior area or room as well. Even if the décor is not your style you can get a feel for the size, dimensions, scale and ambience of the space.

Consider for example a plan of a cathedral ceiling living room with an open floor plan; a 3-dimension image will portray a much clearer sense of how each room will relate to one another. This is not easily apparent from 2 dimensional plans.

3D images can point out unfavorable views as well. For example, a floor plan with a beautiful and gracious foyer opening directly ahead to a sumptuous living room may give no indication to the untrained eye that the powder room, conveniently located nearby, also provides an unsightly view of the toilet as guests enter the foyer. But, with a 3 dimensional image for this room you get a more realistic view in order to make a well informed decision as to whether or not the sight of a toilet off the foyer is acceptable; and thereby save the unnecessary cost of plan modifications or structural changes while building.

3D views help in allowing you to see how one space relates to another, how its aesthetic visual flow defines the ambience. You can get a better sense of whether or not the space is too confining or much too vast. House plan 3d images can show if there are points of interest in a floor plan to carry the eye on a welcoming journey into the home or if the views are immediately blocked giving the feeling of a claustrophobic maze.

These are some of the many helpful aspects associated with house plans in 3D, ultimately making your choice so much easier. In conjunction with the floor plan, 3D images can greatly facilitating your search for the right house plan for your future home.

House Plans in 3D - The Easy Way to Choose

Barbara Ricci is the Design Manager for a website that markets affordable house plans in 3D for easy viewing and selection. In the past she has owned and operated a Design-Build Company for over 10 years in New England and, for the past 20 years, she has been owner and operator of a Residential Custom Design Company in Western North Carolina.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Less Bang For Your Buck - Newspapers, Toilet Paper Rolls Have Suddenly and Quietly Shrunk in Width

Have you noticed how consumer goods are shrinking without you knowing it? Just the other day, my wife pointed out to me how much narrower a roll of toilet paper is these days. I almost didn't catch it. But suddenly, I noticed how much more room is left on the roller after you put on a new roll. I am certain the roller mechanism did not elongate on its own. No, we are getting less toilet paper for our money.

It doesn't stop there. Our newspaper is suddenly an inch or so narrower, too. The print is smaller and I now refer to it as "The Daily Pamphlet." Less bang for our subscription buck.

American Toilet

This isn't the end of it. Many of the things we've been buying are shrinking in size, weight and quality, only it takes a while for the American consumer to figure it out. Maybe that's why so many food packages boast "10% More Free!" Yeah, 10 percent more of the 20 percent you've downsized your products. No can of coffee is ever a pound anymore. It's 12 ounces. And, many are 11.5 ounces. What a deal.

Less Bang For Your Buck - Newspapers, Toilet Paper Rolls Have Suddenly and Quietly Shrunk in Width

It's all about getting less for more. Gasoline comes to mind. Heating fuel, too. Utilities by and large raise their rates whenever they feel like it. If we conserve too much, like many of us have to in these chaotic economic times, the corporate world has to make up for it somehow. So, they give you less for more while making you think you're getting a steal. I'm no dummy. But, it doesn't matter, because what can I do about it? The same as you: nothing.

Many stores are playing the price-cutting game. They have hundreds of "lower prices." Are they really lower? Or, are they just more reasonable like they used to be? Wal Mart plays that game better than anyone by undercutting just about everybody. But, as you probably well know, they do it at the expense of running roughshod on the entire economy from shuttering small businesses to doing most of their business with China resulting in catastrophic American job losses. I won't get into the gigantic trade deficit they've created along the way, or the untested safety of their Chinese products.

Price trickery has been around as long as there have been goods to sell and customers to buy them. But, it's getting out of hand. Club cards here, discount warehouses there, rebates, sales, shrinking product sizes, misleading content labeling, and on and on.

The good news is, this whole circus of product deceit has led me to become a much more discerning consumer. So, when I buy something in a smaller package touting "25% More Free!" despite being wise to the con, thus getting less for more, at least I know I'm being duped. A small victory to be sure, but I'll take 'em whenever I can get 'em.

Less Bang For Your Buck - Newspapers, Toilet Paper Rolls Have Suddenly and Quietly Shrunk in Width

About the Author:
Grant Brad Gerver is an entrepreneur and creative consultant for Filibi, a robust online classified ad and printable coupon advertising business paying 70% commissions to its members. He's also a YouTube blues singer-songwriter and guitar player (gbgerver) who performs with The Buzzard Brothers. Additionally, Grant writes political humor, thousands of bumper stickers, and humorous movie reviews. He has also worked with various companies as a product-naming specialist. He's a retired elementary school teacher and published children's author who works in the health care field.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby Boomers - TV Shows That Shaped Us

Television in the 1950's and 1960's was far different from the formats we Watch today. The weekday shows most of my friends remember were situation comedies. During the weekends - especially on Saturday mornings - the entertainment was mostly action/adventure fare.

A significant part of Baby Boomer television was a "values" component. The comedies often communicated a lesson about honesty, integrity, or treating others with respect. The main character often learned something.

American Toilet

Let's look at a few of these shows - both comedies and dramas - and examine their themes:

Baby Boomers - TV Shows That Shaped Us

1. Gunsmoke - This western featured U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon and deputy Chester, along with an attractive lady saloon owner and Dodge City's physician. One of the best-written shows in the history of the medium, it began in the 1950's and continues today in reruns. The main characters were highly motivated, and tried their best to protect their community from some really bad guys.

2. The Real McCoys - Walter Brennan as Grandpa Amos headed this sitcom about a multi-generational California farming family. Grandpa often passed family values and lore along, but occasionally learned something useful from the young folks, too.

3. Father Knows Best - This comedy about a middle-class American family featured Robert Young as the father and Jane Wyatt as the mother. Their three children Betty, Bud, and Kathy frolicked through age-appropriate school adventures. Some people believe this show excelled at depicting life and values in the 1950's.

4. The Jack Benny Show and The Red Skelton Show - These variety programs - led by two of the world's finest stage comedians - offered both skit comedy and guest stars. Some Baby Boomer actors say they were especially influenced by Jack Benny's sketches, where Jack often played the guy feeding straight lines to others who would reply with a joke.

5. Annie Oakley - This Saturday morning western star, along with Dale Evans in the Roy Rogers Show, presented ladies as Powerful heroes. These may have been the first TV programs to show women in leadership roles.

These are only a few of the programs which communicated American societal values to impressionable youngsters. (There are others we'll discuss in detail at a later time.)

So...what points did these five shows share? They reminded viewers that (a) good can triumph over evil, (b) clean comedy can be very funny, (c) TV viewers of that period enjoyed shows that solved problems, (d) every generation's got something to share with those who come before and after it, and (e) both genders can become leaders.

Baby Boomers - TV Shows That Shaped Us

RIX QUINN writes a weekly syndicated newspaper column called “Baby Boomers” for DBR Media. He authored the book on short writing “Words That Stick.”

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Benefits of Dual Flush Toilets

Dual flush toilets are just about what their name means: toilets that offer you the choice of two Separate Flushes. Why? It doesn't attain the same amount of water to flush liquids and solids. By purchasing a toilet with equally a low and high volume rinse, you reduce the toilet's water consumption by more than half, cutting down your water bills as well as contributing to the environment.

How Much Difference Can Two Separate Toilet Flushes Make?
The answer to this question is shocking. Studies of flush toilets reveal that using a dual flush system is unlike a customary one. It can diminish water spending by approximately sixty seven percent. In fact water savings are so substantial that more than a few nations, like water starved Australia, have passed legislation necessitating that all new toilets installed should be of this range. There are even municipalities in the United States, all from regions where dry weather is a major concern, where similar legislation have been passed in an effort to save dwindling water resources.

American Toilet

Increasing Industry
Dual rinse toilets are only just becoming popular in the United States and other parts of North America. The dual rinse consideration is relatively new technology in-the-first-place (these toilets initially hit the intercontinental market little more than a decade ago), and these toilets haven't been that easy to show up in the U.S. However, an increasing concern about the state of our environment joined with the familiar occurrences of drought that have plagued plenty of regions of the United States, have prompted a slew of firms to dive into the business, making these new type of toilets pretty easy to install for the smart homeowner that may be interested to save natural resources and money.

The Benefits of Dual Flush Toilets

The other advantage of dual rinse toilets is their innovative design and appearance. Because they are considered a new product, companies are scrambling to make them as comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, and user friendly. They are available in a range of the latest styles. Newer models with two buttons, one for every flush, are highly recommended over the push-pull models, mostly due to the fact that they cut down on unintended, miss-flushes. Sounds insane, but if you're making a midnight trip to the washroom or still groggy early on in the morning, you don't want to just stand there and contemplate whether to push or Move the knob in order to do the right think by your notebook and the environment.

The only drawback of this type of toilets is the plumbing needed to facilitate a dual rinse system. It's much more complicated than the common toilet installation and may be too hard for the common DIY person. Once you decide to have a dual rinse toilet installed in your house, it's ideal to contact a certified plumbing contractor in order to make certain that your new toilet operates exactly the way it's supposed to and is trouble free for years to come.

The Benefits of Dual Flush Toilets

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